Brother Vin Dayal- A valuable friend
Brother Branham said:
“12-2 / 67 I would like to say that this place that–that David saw the same thing that we saw. David said, “It is not right that you people have built me a house of cedar, and the ark of the covenant of my God is still under curtains.” (That was skins that been sewed together of sheep and animals.) He said, “It isn’t right for me to have a nice home, and the ark of the covenant of my God remaining in a tent.”
So God put upon his heart to build a tabernacle. But David, being a man of–of love and consecration to God, yet he had shed too much blood. So he said… David speaking this in the presence of the prophet of that age, which was Nathan, and Nathan, knowing that God loved David, he said, “David, do all that’s in your heart for God is with thee.” What a statement. “Do all that’s in your heart, for God is with you.”
13-2 / 68 And that same night–showing the consecration of David to the love of God, and then to see the same night, knowing that he was in a error that he was not permitted to do it, God was graceful enough to come down and speak to Nathan. And I always like these words: “Go tell Nathan, My…” or “Go tell David, My servant, that I took you from the sheepcote.” Just… He wasn’t nothing.
I–I’d like to apply that here just a minute. “I took you from nothing, and I–I–I give you a name; you’ve got a name like great men that’s in the earth.” And I’d like to apply that in a–in a confidential, yet in a–a way of making a point.
I was thinking that a few years ago I was standing down in the city here, and nobody cared for me; nobody loved me. I loved people, but nobody loved me because of the background of the family. No disregards to my precious mother and father. How I wish that mama could’ve lived to walked in this sanctuary this morning.
Many of the old-timers who placed their money to help build it here, maybe God this morning will let them look over the banister.
13-6 / 73 But the family of Branham didn’t have a very good name around here on account of drinking. Nobody had nothing to do with me. I remember telling my wife not long ago, just remember that I–I couldn’t get anyone to talk to me. Nobody cared for me, and now I have to hide to get a little rest.
And now the Lord has give us this great place and–and these great things that He’s done. And He give me a, besides a bad name, He give me a name liken to some of the great men; and He’s cut off my enemies wherever I went. There’s never been nothing stand before It wherever It went–but–and how grateful I am for that.”
God Hiding Himself In Simplicity, Then Revealing Himself In The Same
17th March 1963
“An eagle resting under a palm tree” –
Bro. Vin- São Paulo July 13