While attending a meeting at the Branham Tabernacle on December 30th 1962 and listening to the message "Sirs, Is This the Time" the Lord Spoke to Brother Joseph Coleman saying "When you return back to New York, start your church on January the 6th".




1267 Findlay Avenue

Brother Joseph Coleman


Church History


While attending a meeting at the Branham Tabernacle on December 30th 1962 and listening to the message "Sirs, Is This the Time" the Lord Spoke to Brother Joseph Coleman saying "When you return back to New York, start your church on January the 6th". The first service of the New York City Church was held in Brother Joseph Coleman’s home at 1267 Findlay Avenuewith Brother Orlando Hunte preaching the first message. A group of 30 to 40 people then began to meet regularly in the basement of Brother Coleman’s home. The church was then incorporated in the State of New York as the Local Christian Assembly in October 1963. 


The church flourished under the leadership and vision of Pastor Coleman growing steadily until it was necessary to move to a larger facility. In June of 1964 the Local Christian Assembly began having services on the second floor of a small building at 41 West 35th Street in the heart of New York City. The church soon grew to over 150 plus people while meeting in a building meant to accommodate 75. Brother Coleman encouraged the brethren to seek a larger House of Worship. The Lord soon answered prayer and provided a beautiful church in Forest Hills in August of 1972. Over the years the Local Christian Assembly has sustained a prolific period of growth. A younger generation had grown and having families of their own. In addition, spiritually hungry Saints of God from other areas around the world were led to settle down in New York City and made the Local Christian Assembly their church.

On Sunday Morning, May the 16th 1976 a group of believers from Pennsylvania became part of New York City when they visited the Local Christian Assembly for the first time. They returned to Pennsylvania on fire and began to testify to others in Pennsylvania and very soon the number of people coming with them to New York City grew steadily. In the 1980s the Pennsylvania group began to meet in their homes when they couldn’t make it to New York. Brother Coleman encouraged them to find a place where they could meet locally. In July 1994 they were able to find a place to rent in Shartlesville, PA. After six years of enduring the limitations of the rented Hall, God blessed them with a beautiful church in Reading, PA. Brother Coleman dedicated the Reading Local Christian Assembly on May the 7th 2000.


Reading Local Christian Assembly


The Reading Local Christian Assembly is the sister church of the New York Assembly under the direction and leadership of its Pastor and Founder Brother Joseph Coleman. The New York Local Christian Assembly continued to grow and welcome a continuous flow of new believers. On August the 12th of 2001 we departed our old church at 94-08 70th Avenue in preparation for a new church that would be constructed on the very same parcel of land. After nearly 2 years of construction the new church was completed and dedicated on June 8th 2003.


94-08 70th Avenue

The Local Christian Assembly continues to flourish under the leadership of its Pastor and Founder.


Brother Coleman 



Reverend Coleman and his lovely wife Sister Elaine Coleman have been married for over 55 years. They are blessed with three wonderful children, Joanne, Rebecca and Jonathan and six grandchildren, Ruth, Jason, Sarai, Philip, Dorcas and Ariel.