“William Branham, zoals ik hem gekend heb”

"William Branham, zoals ik hem gekend heb"(ingekort)door Gordon LindsayHet is een historisch feit, dat zijn bediening onder God een apostolische opwekking heeft veroorzaakt, die zich over de gehele wereld heeft uitgebreid.Wij herinneren ons nog heel goed, wat er vlak na de tweede wereldoorlog gebeurd is. De grote evangelisten Dr. Charles S. Price, Aimee Semple Mc. Pherson en Smith Wigglesworth stierven allen kort…

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“William Branham as I knew him”

"William Branham as I knew him"(fragments)by Gordon LindsayIt is a matter of history that his ministry under God spearheaded an apostolic revival that swept around the world.We well remember what happened right after the close of World War II. The great evangelists, Dr. Charles S. Price, Aimee Semple McPherson, and Smith Wigglesworth all died within a short space of time. Many people…

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“William Branham como o conheci”

“William Branham como o conheci” (Fragmentos) Por Gordon Lindsay É uma questão de história que o seu ministério apostólico em Deus liderou um reavivamento que varreu o mundo. Nós nos lembramos bem o que aconteceu logo após o encerramento da II Guerra Mundial. Os grandes evangelistas, Dr. Charles S. Price, Aimee Semple McPherson, Smith Wigglesworth e todos morreram num curto espaço de…

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